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OXY2DEV / foldtext.nvim


Dynamic & stylized foldtext for Neovim
46 3 0 5 days ago
editing-support awesome-neovim
foldtext.nvim is a plugin that enhances code folding in text with dynamic customizations. It allows per-buffer and per-window customization of foldtext, including different configurations based on file types, buffer types, and conditions. Users can create custom foldtext with various parts such as raw text, fold size indicators, indentation, and custom handlers. The plugin offers flexibility in designing foldtext based on specific criteria, improving code readability and organization.

Breaking changes in foldtext.nvim

4f33a2 1 month ago
fix!: Changed how folds are configured


Developers using foldtext.nvim

more configs
10 init.lua 73 9155
2 init.lua 58 3607
0 init.lua 70 4769