New Neovim Plugins
The newest Neovim plugins on Dotfyle
- wsdjeg/mru.nvimMRU(Most Recently Used) Files1 0 0 utility
- wsdjeg/rooter.nvimcd project root automatically1 0 0 project
- Skalyaev/a-nvim-themeMy favorite theme for Neovim3 0 0 colorscheme
- y3owk1n/undo-glow.nvimMake your undo and redo in neovim glows.4 1 editing-support
- jackhamilton/themester.nvimIntegrate and randomize your terminal and nvim themes.1 0 colorscheme-switchers
- voxelprismatic/rabbit.nvimJump between buffers faster than ever before62 0 split-and-window
- Thiago4532/mdmath.nvimA Neovim plugin for inline LaTeX equation previews in Markdown.116 0 markdown-and-latex
- SylvanFranklin/omni-preview.nvimManage previews for all filetypes in neovim13 0 0 starter-templates
- wsdjeg/nvim-plugsimple neovim plugin manager written in Lua4 0 plugin-manager
- oonamo/ef-themes.nvimColourful and legible themes for Neovim22 0 0 colorscheme
- brianhuster/snipexec.nvim2 0 0 code-runner