New Neovim Plugins
The newest Neovim plugins on Dotfyle
- Rimkomatic/switchscheme.nvimA plugin made with lua to help you get all those beautiful color schemes0 0 0 colorscheme-switchers
- wsdjeg/ctags.nvimctags integration for neovim1 0 0 utility
- BibekBhusal0/nvim-shadcnNeovim plugin to add shadcn UI component easily with telescope2 0 0 web-development
- yehuohan/hop.nvimNeovim motions on speed!2 0 0 motion
- wsdjeg/ctrlg.nvimMore beautiful ctrl-g output2 0 0 utility
- wsdjeg/iedit.nvimiedit mode for neovim4 0 0 editing-support
- wsdjeg/repl.nvim2 0 0 code-runner
- wsdjeg/terminal.nvimsimple floating terminal plugin for Neovim4 0 0 terminal-integration
- wsdjeg/record-key.nvimRecording keyboard keys in Neovim3 0 0 utility
- wsdjeg/logger.nvimNeovim runtime logger2 0 0 utility
- hschne/cheato.nvimA simple plugin to quickly search cheat sheets in Neovim! 🟠3 0 0 file-explorer
- LucaSartore/fastspell.nvimSpell checker for neovim18 0 0 diagnostics
- bloznelis/buftrack.nvimTrack buffers in style5 0 0 utility
- mawkler/jsx-element.nvimJSX/TSX text-objects and motions17 0 web-development