Trending Neovim Plugins
Trending Neovim plugins ranked by recent installations across 1000+ tracked Neovim configurations on Dotfyle
- folke/snacks.nvim🍿 A collection of QoL plugins for Neovim3847 8 editing-support
- hrsh7th/nvim-cmpA completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.8498 2 completion
- catppuccin/nvim🍨 Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim6021 2 colorscheme
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-contextShow code context2664 2 editing-support
- ibhagwan/fzf-luaImproved fzf.vim written in lua2992 2 fuzzy-finder
- MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvimPlugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim2305 2 markdown-and-latex
- OXY2DEV/markview.nvimA hackable markdown, Typst, latex, html(inline) & YAML previewer for Neovim2421 2 markdown-and-latex
- mistweaverco/kulala.nvimA minimal 🤏 HTTP-client 🐼 interface 🖥️ for Neovim ❤️.848 2 web-development
- hat0uma/csvview.nvimA Neovim plugin for CSV file editing.219 2 csv-files
- windwp/nvim-ts-autotagUse treesitter to auto close and auto rename html tag1808 1 editing-support