Top Neovim Plugins
The most popular Neovim plugins ranked by total number of installs across 1000+ tracked Neovim configurations on Dotfyle
- catppuccin/nvim🍨 Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim5682 1 colorscheme
- rose-pine/neovimSoho vibes for Neovim2357 3 colorscheme
- sainnhe/gruvbox-materialGruvbox with Material Palette1969 1 colorscheme
- projekt0n/github-nvim-themeGitHub's Neovim themes2144 0 colorscheme
- sainnhe/everforest🌲 Comfortable & Pleasant Color Scheme for Vim2948 1 colorscheme
- Mofiqul/dracula.nvimDracula colorscheme for neovim written in Lua639 1 colorscheme
- neanias/everforest-nvimA Lua port of the Everforest colour scheme273 0 colorscheme
- ribru17/bamboo.nvimWarm Green Theme for Neovim and Beyond324 0 colorscheme