Top Neovim Plugins
The most popular Neovim plugins ranked by total number of installs across 1000+ tracked Neovim configurations on Dotfyle
- Diogo-ss/five-server.nvimUse Five-Server inside Neovim8 0 web-development
- cjodo/convert.nvimA plugin to do unit conversions for you.50 0 web-development
- mawkler/jsx-element.nvimJSX/TSX text-objects and motions17 0 web-development
- nabekou29/js-i18n.nvimA Neovim plugin for the JavaScript library i18next32 0 web-development
- Kokecoco/serve.nvimNeovimγγιηΊη¨γ΅γΌγγΌγθ΅·εγγΎγγ2 0 web-development
- tlj/api-browser.nvimπ Neovim plugin to open API endpoints directly in the editor β‘10 0 0 web-development