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kr40 / nvim-macros


Easy way to save and load Macros!
58 2 0 3 days ago
register awesome-neovim
nvim-macros helps manage and enhance macros. It allows you to yank macros from any register, save them to a JSON file, and easily select and run them. The plugin handles special characters in macros and provides the flexibility to customize the storage location for your macros.

Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
  cmd = {"MacroSave", "MacroYank", "MacroSelect", "MacroDelete"},
  opts = {
    json_file_path = vim.fs.normalize(vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/macros.json"), -- Optional
    default_macro_register = "q", -- Use as default register for :MacroYank and :MacroSave and :MacroSelect Raw functions

Developers using nvim-macros

more configs
9 init.lua 69 4166
4 init.lua 61 2047