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rafamadriz / friendly-snippets


Set of preconfigured snippets for different languages.
2172 1099 1 1 day ago
snippet awesome-neovim
friendly-snippets is a community-driven repository of snippets for various programming languages. It aims to provide a centralized location for all kinds of snippets, making it easier for users to access. The snippets are compatible with popular snippet engines such as vim-vsnip, LuaSnip, and coc-snippets. Additionally, users can add snippets from specific frameworks to relevant file types. The plugin allows users to exclude snippets as needed.


Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
{ "rafamadriz/friendly-snippets" }

Developers using friendly-snippets

more configs
2030 init.lua 35 3751
1910 init.lua 85 7760
1289 init.lua 83 6738
797 init.lua 191 10136