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swaits / zellij-nav.nvim


Seamless navigation between Neovim windows and Zellij panes.
100 7 0 1 day ago
split-and-window manually-created
zellij-nav.nvim integrates window navigation with the zellij multiplexer. It provides commands and Lua functions for navigating between windows. The plugin aims to be simple and lightweight, similar to vim-tmux-navigator.

Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
  lazy = true,
  event = "VeryLazy",
  keys = {
    { "<c-h>", "<cmd>ZellijNavigateLeft<cr>",  { silent = true, desc = "navigate left"  } },
    { "<c-j>", "<cmd>ZellijNavigateDown<cr>",  { silent = true, desc = "navigate down"  } },
    { "<c-k>", "<cmd>ZellijNavigateUp<cr>",    { silent = true, desc = "navigate up"    } },
    { "<c-l>", "<cmd>ZellijNavigateRight<cr>", { silent = true, desc = "navigate right" } },
  opts = {},

Developers using zellij-nav.nvim

more configs
13 init.lua 121 23757
4 init.lua 60 3062
1 init.lua 65 1848
0 init.lua 16 380