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Issue #31

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Neovim Core updates {#core}

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Important: if you are a plugin author, you are strongly advised to follow the #14090 breaking changes on master GitHub thread, as it contains important breaking changes information.

  • #22137: Unsaved changes are now preserved rather than discarded when stdio channel is closed.

Neovim Plugin Community updates {#plugins}

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.


New plugins {#new-plugins}

LuaRocks tag release - Publish your Neovim plugins to LuaRocks


Not a plugin, but a tool that facilitates the release of Neovim plugins as LuaRocks packages.

With the goal to help alleviate the pain point of dependency management in the Neovim plugin ecosystem.



A plugin highlighting the word under the cursor using ext-marks, similar in spirit to plugins like mini-cursorword, vim-cursorword, vim-illuminate, or murmur.lua but is opinionated in a way that doesn’t use LSP nor treesitter, so instead it will use the visible part of your buffer and perform a regex-based (word) highlighting.


Extension-based autopair plugin. It currently implements most of the behaviors you expect from such a plugin, like filetype-specific pairs. Currently in alpha, so not all of the features are implemented yet…


Lightweight plugin inspired by unimpaired.vim to jump between next and previous buffers, tabs, files, quickfix and diagnostics with a single key.

It is extensible to work with other plugins; for example, jump between next/previous diff through Gitsigns, or next/previous symbols with Aerial, etc.



A Neovim plugin to show statusline information about the word under the cursor.

Available statusline hints:

  • go-to-definition (gd) is available.
  • reference list (gr) available / number of references.




A new theme developped by Glorious_Musketeer. Currently in alpha.


A neovim plugin written in Lua inspired by vim-ros. It provides commands for easier ROS development and adds additional finders for Telescope and grammars for treesitter. By @taDachs.


Easily and/or automatically sort Tailwind classes in Neovim, just like prettier-plugin-tailwind.

By @laytan.


flirt.nvim is a plugin to work with floating windows in Neovim. The common operations included are: move, resize, animate, mouse-drag, etc.



A very (very) experimental and pre-beta plugin, but according to the author, @romgrk, it’s running well and probably useful enough for simple popups or widgets. If it gives any of you ideas/inspiration, at this point, the author is looking for feedback into how this could be used and how to package it better. It's a typescript project. More on that in the Reddit thread.



What’d happen if VS Code and Neovim had a baby. Well… this! The plugins comes with a theme and setup similar to what you get with VS Code, as well as shortcuts. The plugin also has a popup menu for contextual actions which looks VS Code’s.


Updates {#updates}


Library of 20+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim experience with minimal effort.


Version 0.7.0 was released. Here is a relevant part of changelog. Compared to version 0.6.0, there are 3 new modules, 4 breaking changes, 5 new features, and soft deprecation of Neovim<=0.6.


Populate the quickfix with json entries.


A plugin interface to JSON and YAML files (requires jq and yq): in the last release, the author has fixed a few bugs introduced by the latest changes in yq grammar and added treesitter syntax highlight to the floating buffer (invoked when querying the JSON or LLLL keys.


Supercharge your Haskell experience in neovim!

New experimental feature: evaluate all code snippets in the current buffer. Pretty neat!


Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim.


The theme is released in v1.0 with backwards compatibility promise. Congrats!


Did you know? {#tips}

Nothing for this week!


Special thanks {#special-thanks}

These people help contributing various updates about Neovim and its ecosystem! Thanks for your contributions! ❤️


Want to contribute? {#contribute}

You have noticed something missing that you saw lately? Do not keep the candies for yourself and please feel free to share with us! You can open a PR at This Week In Neovim Contents.

Feel free to read how to contribute to get started.