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lazy.nvim v11 supports luarocks and pkg.json, VimConf 2024 speaker applications open, tiny-inline-diagnostic.nvim, nvim-rip-substitute, nvim-lsp-endhints

Issue #75

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Hello everyone! Since the last issue of TWiN was 3 weeks ago we have quite a big update this week; including a new release of lazy.nvim, call for speakers at VimConf 2024, and several new plugins & core contributions!

Hope you enjoy this weeks issue!

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

Resources & articles

VimConf 2024: Call for proposal form is open!

VimConf is an in person conference dedicated to Vim. It will be held in November 23, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan.

You can apply to be a speaker, the deadline to apply to be a speaker is August 31, 2024. All slides will be in English, with talks presented in either English or Japanese. Presentations will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube post-conference.


New plugins


A Neovim plugin that display prettier diagnostic messages. Display one line diagnostic messages where the cursor is, with icons and colors.

tiny-inline-diagnostic.nvim displays one-line diagnostic messages with icons and colors at the cursor position in Neovim.


Perform search and replace operations in the current buffer using a modern user interface and contemporary regex syntax.

nvim-rip-substitute enables modern search and replace operations in the current buffer with a user-friendly interface, using contemporary regex syntax and a popup window for editing. It offers incrementally previewed matches, range support, history of substitutions, and performance in handling large files with numerous matches.


Display LSP inlay hints at the end of the line, rather than within the line.

nvim-lsp-endhints is a minimal plugin that displays LSP inlay hints at the end of lines instead of within them. The plugin simplifies the display of inlay hints for improved readability during code navigation.


A minimal 🤏 HTTP-client 🐼 interface 🖥️ for Neovim ❤️.

kulala.nvim is a minimal REST-Client interface for making HTTP requests within Neovim. It allows users to interact with APIs directly from Neovim using a variety of configurations and options.


A clean, delightful and highly customizable Neovim colorscheme written in Lua

sweetie.nvim is a customizable Lua-based colorscheme with a clean design and extra themes for various software. It offers a dark and light variant, customization options, and integration with plugins.


Run requests with curl, formatted with jq, and persisted commands according to your own workflow

curl.nvim integrates curl and jq in a scratchpad for running HTTP requests and displaying formatted output. It offers persistence options for the scratch buffer based on directories, globally, or in named files. The plugin aims for compatibility with curl commands and provides quality of life features for an ergonomic experience.


A plugin to help load the file you actually meant to load.

actually.nvim is a tool for resolving ambiguous file names when using the tab completion feature in the terminal. It prompts users to confirm their intended file selection if multiple options exist.


Git integration. Part of 'mini.nvim' library.

mini-git provides Git integration for Neovim, offering automated Git tracking data, :Git command execution, and functions for inspecting Git history. It does not replace a full Git client but enhances existing Git functionality within Neovim.


🌟 Highlight yanked, pasted, and undone/redone text in Neovim with a splash of color.

luminate.nvim highlights yanked, pasted, and undone/redone text in Neovim with color.


An effective way to juggle monorepos in neovim

monorepo.nvim manages monorepo scopes easily with project picker integration in Neovim. It requires Telescope and Plenary plugins. Features include adding/removing projects, toggling projects, changing projects, and managing monorepos without restarting Neovim. Plugin persistence and data storage can be configured.


A sublime Neovim colorscheme, immerse in twilight hues for enhanced focus and creativity

nightfall.nvim offers a clean and minimalist Neovim colorscheme with multiple themes, extensive plugin support, and customization options.


A plugin to do unit conversions for you.

convert.nvim enables easy conversion of CSS units in Neovim, using commands like ConvertFindNext and ConvertFindCurrent. It also tracks the base font size for accurate conversions.


A Neovim plugin for the JavaScript library i18next

js-i18n.nvim supports i18next library for displaying translations as virtual text, enabling editing translations and supporting monorepos. It includes LSP support for key completion and displays translations on hover. The plugin also supports i18next and react-i18next libraries, and JSON translation resource formats.


3rd party Neovim plugin that compliments

mise.nvim complements mise by managing environment variables in Neovim when changing directories or using Neovide GUI. It offers configuration options and a command to print variables for the current directory.


Telescope extension for resession.nvim

telescope-resession.nvim is a Neovim extension that enhances session management by providing a session picker in conjunction with resession.nvim


Auto close quickfix by timer

qfc.nvim manages quickfix windows in Neovim by automatically closing the window after a specified timeout when it loses focus and deleting the buffer.


winteriscoming theme for vim

vim-winteriscoming is a Neovim theme plugin that mirrors the Visual Studio Code theme Winter Is Coming.


Neovim plugin providing an opinionated workflow to interact with Azure DevOps Pull Requests.

adopure.nvim provides an opinionated workflow for Azure DevOps Pull Requests in Neovim, offering commands to interact with pull requests, add comments, and vote, along with keymap suggestions for ease of use.


Sort PHP use statements by length and alpha

php-use-sort.nvim organizes PHP "use" statements and class properties in Neovim, offering sorting options like alphabetical or by length in ascending or descending order.


Make Neovim scroll through the end of files

endscroll.nvim enables natural scrolling through the end of files in Neovim by utilizing the scrolloff value to extend scrolling as if there were more lines. It offers quick setup and customizable settings to enhance the scrolling experience.


Neovim plugin to compile and run programs in TMUX panes/window

tmux-compile.nvim simplifies project compilation and running within tmux panes. It supports various programming languages with customizable build and run commands. Also includes an option to run lazygit within the Neovim session's overlay terminal.


Enhances the display of virtual text for diagnostics in Neovim. This function aims to provide a more user-friendly and informative presentation of diagnostic messages directly within the editor.

better-diagnostic-virtual-text offers enhanced diagnostic virtual text display in Neovim with customization options for colors, icons, and layout. It includes auto-fix capability, toggle commands, and performance optimizations.


A buffer switcher in the spirit of dirvish or vinegar.

buffish.nvim is a buffer switcher inspired by popular Vim plugins like dirvish and vinegar. It allows quick navigation between open buffers and provides useful key mappings for actions like switching, closing, and splitting buffers. The plugin prioritizes visual identification by displaying filenames and offers the option to assign and remove shortcuts for easy access to frequently used buffers.


Use neovim with Laravel IDE helper

laravel-ide-helper.nvim facilitates generating Laravel IDE Helper model information in Neovim with key mappings for generating model info and requires the Laravel IDE Helper tool to be installed.


Navigating Blade views within Laravel projects

blade-nav.nvim enhances navigation within Laravel projects by simplifying access to Blade files, classes, controllers, routes, and components. It enables seamless movement between different parts of Laravel applications, improving development efficiency.


:sloth: A lazy-loading module for rocks.nvim

rocks-lazy.nvim enables lazy-loading of plugins using specified events, commands, filetypes, key mappings, or colorschemes. It facilitates modular loading configurations for improved startup performance in Neovim.


A Sane Project-wise Bookmarks Plugin with Persistent Storage Based on LSP for Neovim.

lspmark.nvim is a project-wise bookmarking plugin with persistent storage based on LSP for organizing bookmarks, allowing them to be deleted and pasted across buffers, using Telescope integration for browsing and jumping to bookmarks with comments and supporting various key bindings for bookmark management.


have a keybind in nvim for :only that also works for tmux panes

only-tmux.nvim extends the :only command to minimize/close tmux panes in the current window. It allows you to move unfocused Neovim panes to the buffer and either move other tmux panes to a new window or delete them.


Secure terminal-based IDE for local JS development

l7-devenv offers a containerized development environment primarily for MetaMask contributors, focusing on ease-of-use, security, efficiency, and productivity enhancements.

Updated plugins

lazy.nvim 11.0 is released!

A new version of lazy.nvim was released with several updates:

  • New Website: Improved documentation and fresh look:
  • Faster Spec Resolution: Enhanced speed, fixed issues, and easier maintenance.
  • Flexible Package Management: Supports dependencies via lazy.lua, *.rockspec, and pkg.json.
  • Simple Package Installation: Easily install Neovim plugins and Luarocks packages.
  • Asynchronous Build Functions: Run long tasks without blocking Neovim, with progress updates.



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  • File issues and submit pull requests on GitHub
  • Discuss ideas on Discord