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Neovim the most admired editor, live preview markdown with markview.nvim, simple session management with persistance.nvim, control your music player with music-controls.nvim

Issue #77

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Neovim was found to be the most admired editor by developers In the 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey. Additionally we have exciting new plugins for live previewing markdown in Neovim, managing sessions with persistence.nvim, controlling your music player from Neovim with music-controls.nvim and much more.

Hope you enjoy this weeks issue!

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

Resources & articles

Neovim is the most admired editor according to StackOverflow 2024 survery


VS Code is the most-desired, and used, IDE at 59% for developers but the most-admired is Neovim at 83%.

New plugins



An experimental markdown previewer for Neovim

markview.nvim is a plugin for markdown previewing, offering customizable features and support for various markdown elements.


Simple session management for Neovim

persistence.nvim manages session persistence in Neovim, automatically saving the active session on exit and allowing for session restoration through a simple API.


A Neovim plugin that provides a simple way to run and visualize code actions with Telescope.

tiny-code-action provides a way to run and visualize code actions in Neovim through Telescope. It supports multiple backends and custom icons for various code actions.


Carefully designed colors to help focusing during coding plus fluorescent details. Support many plugins and tools.

flow.nvim is a color scheme designed for transparent or dark backgrounds, featuring a carefully designed palette with vibrant fluorescent accents. It supports various plugins and tools and allows customization of background transparency and color intensity.


Efficient targetted menu built for fast buffer navigation

snipe.nvim is a menu-based tool for efficient buffer navigation in Neovim, offering quick character-based selection for easy navigation among buffers without distractions. It aims to provide a fast and simple approach for efficient buffer management.


Visualize Go struct and interface implementations

goplements.nvim visualizes Go structs and interface implementations, displaying implementors and implemented interfaces with optional configurations.


Neovim Colorscheme for dark dwellers with optional glow effect!

darkvoid.nvim is a monochromatic colorscheme with optional glow effect for syntax elements and customizable settings. It supports popular plugins like treesitter, nvimtree, and telescope.


💃 Dance with Intelligence in Your Code. Minuet AI integrates with nvim-cmp, offering AI based completion from popular LLMs including OpenAI, Gemini, Claude, and more.

Minuet-ai.nvim integrates AI-powered code completion from multiple providers such as OpenAI, Claude, Gemini, Codestral, and Huggingface. It offers customizable configuration options and supports manual or automatic completion invocation.


A Neovim plugin for toggling options.

toggle.nvim is a plugin for quickly toggling options in your editing session. It allows for easy changes like switching between dark and light mode, enabling/disabling features with simple keybindings, and customizing options.


An absolutely dank vaporwave aesthetic 🌌 🌊

vaporlush is a Neovim theme made with lush.nvim, supporting various plugins and providing a vaporwave-inspired design.


An html renderer for neovim plugin UIs

banana.nvim is an HTML renderer for creating UIs in Neovim using a custom HTML and CSS offshoot. It allows developers to leverage their knowledge of HTML to easily create plugins without the need to solve rendering complexities.


Quickly mark and switch between files in neovim

quickmark.nvim enables quick project navigation and management through customizable key mappings and shortcuts.

💎 Blink-Bang-Word-Light is a Neovim plugin that highlights the word under the cursor throughout the buffer.

blink-bang-word-light.nvim highlights the word under the cursor throughout the buffer in Neovim. It offers customizable settings and commands to enable, disable, or toggle the highlighting.


🔍 InstantRename is a small Neovim plugin that automatically replaces the :s command with a global substitute command in command-line mode.

instant-rename.nvim simplifies the substitute command in Vim by automatically expanding :s to :%s///g in command-line mode.


A plugin for dotnet development because i really dislike the tooling in neovim for dotnet

dotnvim is a .NET tooling designed for seamless development in Neovim for .NET developers. It offers features like project building, model bootstrapping, ASP.NET API controller generation, and DAP support.


Control you favorite music players with ease from within Neovim.

music-controls.nvim allows controlling music players from within Neovim using playerctl. It offers commands to play, pause, skip, display current track, shuffle, and loop. Can set a default player for convenience.


Unreal project support for neovim


Run your tests in split window or popup with live feedback

quicktest.nvim enhances testing by enabling convenient test triggering, reruns, live result scrolling, test timer, and API flexibility for various languages via adapters.


personal neovim project discovery plugin

proj.nvim provides a way to access projects on machines using zoxide for project discovery.


A simple project explorer plugin for neovim

project-explorer.nvim is a simple project manager for Neovim that allows listing projects based on a pattern, creating new projects directories, adding projects to favorites, and listing favorite projects only. It provides keybindings for easy navigation and functionality such as adding projects and managing favorites.


Fast vertical navigation in Neovim using folds

foldnav.nvim enhances vertical navigation in Vim based on code folding and Treesitter queries, addressing limitations in built-in fold commands. It provides more intuitive navigation through folds and offers customizable settings for highlighting and motion behavior. The plugin simplifies navigation within the buffer's semantic structure.


NeoVim Colorscheme Management

astral.nvim remembers and restores the last used colorscheme in Neovim sessions, with the option to set fallback themes. It also offers commands for resetting and restoring colorschemes, along with troubleshooting tips.


Dynamic notes with dynomark queries for markdown, similar to obsidian's dataview

dynomark.nvim executes and displays Dynomark queries in Markdown files, with toggle functionality and configuration options available.


Display time spent on projects / files

timespent.nvim displays time spent on projects/files and can be installed using lazy.nvim. It provides the :ShowTimeSpent command to view time allocation in a floating buffer.


Simple but powerful todo manager based on text.

todo.nvim simplifies todo management in text files through features like todo extraction, searching, custom decoration, and parsing.


Neovim plugin for displaying Git blame information in vim-fugitive style with some enhancements.

blamer.nvim displays Git blame info in a side-by-side format with real-time updates as you edit. Allows for customizable date format and window width.

Updated plugins


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