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Official Supermaven code completion in Neovim, Beautiful menu UI for Neovim, NvChad UI collection, reactive UI development

Issue #79

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We have several new plugins related building beautiful Neovim UI's from NvChad; including a beautiful menu UI, a UI collection, a color picker and a plugin for creating reactive UI in Neovim. Supermaven released an official Neovim plugin for AI code completion. In addition we have several other exciting new plugins and new features from Neovim core.

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

Resources & articles

New plugins


The official Neovim plugin for Supermaven

supermaven-nvim enables integration of the Supermaven service within Neovim for code suggestions and completion. It provides commands and a Lua API for interacting with Supermaven within Neovim, including starting, stopping, and toggling the service, as well as switching between free and pro versions.


Lightweight & high performance UI plugin for nvchad

UI collection with features like Tabufline, Statusline, Term management, LSP enhancements, Colorify, Nvdash, Cmp styles, Theme picker, Cheatsheet, and automatic Mason tool installation.


Menu ui for neovim ( supports nested menus ) made using volt

Menu plugin for creating interactive menus in a text-based interface. Allows navigation and execution of commands using keyboard or mouse inputs. Built for ease of use and quick access to commands without additional keybindings.


Plugin for creating reactive UI in neovim

Volt Minty is a tool for color management, including a menu creator and a theme picker with multiple styles.


nvim theme blending lava red and ice blue for a vibrant coding experience ✨

neofusion.nvim is a plugin for enhancing Neovim themes with treesitter compatibility and customizable palette and highlight group overrides. It offers advanced configuration options and includes ports for various terminal applications.


Creates a "Live Share" server in Neovim, similar to the Visual Studio Code Live Share functionality

live-share.nvim creates a Live Share server for sharing code in Neovim sessions, using SSH tunneling services like or It is not compatible with Visual Studio Code Live Share. Offers commands for server setup and joining sessions. Optional settings for customizing behavior.


Provides the command :MasonUpdateAll

mason-extra-cmds adds the :MasonUpdateAl command for updating all mason packages in Neovim.


Neovim plugin that boots you out of Insert mode after certain amount of time of inactivity

stopinsert.nvim automatically exits Insert mode after a specified inactive time period. It can be configured to exclude specific file types and provides user commands to enable, disable, or toggle its functionality.


Activate Vim... or prepare for the consequences. (Dun dun dun...)

NeoNeedsKey reminds users to activate their Vim license with a playful message that stays until action is taken. It offers customizable timeout settings and can be configured for different message positions. Support developers by activating and unlocking full Vim potential.


A simple UI that can be used to ergonomically control the "exception breakpoints" feature of the debugger adapter protocol

nvim-dap-exception-breakpoints: Adds UI to control exception breakpoints in debug sessions using keybindings for toggling conditions and navigating the list. Configuration is automatically stored and applied for each new debug session.


theme-picker.nvim allows users to select from various color schemes easily using Telescope integration.


A fun and lightweight Neovim plugin that brings emoji as your bastie's while coding.

beastie.nvim is a fun and lightweight plugin that adds emoji animations to your coding environment. It allows you to choose from different "beasties" such as cat, dog, and bird, with customizable animation speed and starting options.


A Stupid Implementation of Alduin Colorscheme for Neovim

alduin.nvim is a colorscheme port with treesitter and semantic highlights support. The colorscheme can be configured with options to customize the appearance.


A little (smart maybe) lsp signature helper for neovim.

signup.nvim is a plugin that enhances LSP functionality by displaying function signatures and notifications in a customizable floating window. It offers options for toggling signature help, customizing icons and colors, and integrating with nvim-treesitter. The plugin's notification system shows messages with different severities and includes highlight groups for easy customization.


Most Beautifully crafted color tools for Neovim


Reload your neovim config on the fly! It works with any lua file.

hot-reload.nvim allows reloading any lua file in your Neovim your config without restarting.


A barely opinionated session manager for nvim.

ToyChest.nvim is a session manager for managing and storing sessions in a customizable directory. It provides commands and bindings for saving and restoring sessions, with the ability to set a custom directory for session storage.


Gives basic functionality for error messages with format filename:line:column

error-jump.nvim provides functionality to handle error messages in the filename:line<:column> format. It includes compile mode for easy editing, compiling, error jumping, and fixing cycle.


Select -> action. Kakoune workflow and most keybinds for Neovim.

kak.nvim modifies key bindings in Neovim to implement the Kakoune workflow, adjusting mappings for actions such as motion, selection, and editing.


🚀 A lightweight, user-friendly Neovim plugin for easily navigating and managing Atmos stacks and components.

atmos.nvim enables efficient navigation and management of Atmos stacks and components within Neovim, enhancing workflow with quick access and validation features.


Neovim plugin for automaticaly passing extra context for LLM on code snippet copy to clipboard

LLuMinate.nvim enriches copied code with symbol context, definitions, and hover information from LSP. It offers configurable options, intelligent filtering, and seamless integration with Neovim.


Variants of Tokyonight with cyberpunk vibes.

neon.nvim consists of variants of Tokyonight with cyberpunk aesthetics, featuring different color palettes. It supports the same plugins as Tokyonight and incorporates colors from the eldritch.nvim colorscheme.


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