Top Neovim Plugins
The most popular Neovim plugins ranked by total number of installs across 1000+ tracked Neovim configurations on Dotfyle
- epwalsh/obsidian.nvimObsidian 🤝 Neovim4738 1 note-taking
- nvim-orgmode/orgmodeOrgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.10.0+.3208 0 note-taking
- nvim-neorg/neorg-telescopeTelescope.nvim integration for Neorg193 0 note-taking
- jbyuki/venn.nvimDraw ASCII diagrams in Neovim1004 0 note-taking
- jbyuki/nabla.nvimtake your scientific notes :pencil2: in Neovim665 0 note-taking
- zk-org/zk-nvimNeovim extension for zk584 0 note-taking
- mickael-menu/zk-nvimNeovim extension for zk584 0 note-taking
- backdround/global-note.nvimOpens global note in a float window124 0 note-taking
- chipsenkbeil/org-roam.nvimPort of org-roam to neovim using orgmode151 0 note-taking
- Hashino/doing.nvimA minimal task manager for neovim76 0 note-taking
- letieu/jot.luaMarkdown note file per project34 0 note-taking
- serenevoid/kiwi.nvimA stripped down VimWiki for Neovim192 0 note-taking
- phaazon/mind.nvimThe power of trees at your fingertips.688 0 note-taking
- 2kabhishek/tdo.nvimFast & Simple Notes in Neovim 📃🚀58 0 note-taking
- stevearc/gkeep.nvimGoogle Keep integration for Neovim192 0 note-taking
- RutaTang/quicknote.nvimQuickly take notes, in-place129 0 note-taking