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Rentib / cliff.nvim


jk until falling
29 2 0 1 hour ago
motion manually-created
cliff.nvim moves the cursor up/down until it almost falls off the cliff. If the cursor is positioned at position (row, column), then after calling cliff.go_down or cliff.go_up the cursor will move to the furthest row such that every line in between either is of length greater than column or every line is shorter than column.

Breaking changes in cliff.nvim

49bb9b 10 months ago
fix!: change the way cursor is moved

Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
    keys = {
        { '<c-j>', mode = { 'n', 'v', 'o' }, function() require("cliff").go_down() end },
        { '<c-k>', mode = { 'n', 'v', 'o' }, function() require("cliff").go_up()   end },

Developers using cliff.nvim

more configs
1 init.lua 172 6169