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j-hui / fidget.nvim


💫 Extensible UI for Neovim notifications and LSP progress messages.
1736 441 2 2 days ago
lsp awesome-neovim
fidget.nvim provides an extensible UI for Neovim notifications and LSP progress messages. It allows users to configure the display and behavior of notifications, including options for polling rates, filtering levels, and redirecting notifications to other backends. The plugin supports ASCII animations, such as fidget spinners, for visual feedback. It is easy to configure and can be integrated with other plugins like nvim-tree.

Breaking changes in fidget.nvim

f7dde2 4 months ago
doc!: reorganize all documentation (fix #144)
7be478 4 months ago
feat!: deprecate lsp_name and lsp_id in ProgressMessage
c4a1af 4 months ago
feat!: option to position window away from cursor (#175)

Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
  opts = {
    -- options

Developers using fidget.nvim

more configs
3179 init.lua 37 3730
664 init.lua 182 10279
335 init.lua 39 9129
181 init.lua 68 4937