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nvim-treesitter / nvim-treesitter


Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer
9445 1312 1 5 days ago
syntax awesome-neovim
nvim-treesitter is a plugin that provides an interface for tree-sitter, allowing for advanced functionality such as syntax highlighting and language-specific features in Neovim. It supports a wide range of languages and offers various modules for customizing the behavior of the plugin. It requires specific language parsers to be installed, which can be done automatically or manually.

Breaking changes in nvim-treesitter

1ae9b0 3 months ago
feat!: align standard captures with upstream
59d4c1 3 months ago
feat!: bump minimum Nvim version to 0.9.2
15d327 7 months ago
fix!: backport `ac9e755` from `main`


Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
    build = ":TSUpdate",

Developers using nvim-treesitter

more configs
5962 init.lua 20 1296
3181 init.lua 37 3730
1888 init.lua 31 3478
1827 init.lua 91 8053