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otavioschwanck / arrow.nvim


Bookmark your files, separated by project, and quickly navigate through them.
573 56 1 1 week ago
marks awesome-neovim
arrow.nvim provides a UI to manage bookmarks. It allows you to easily navigate between and edit bookmarks using a single key mapping. The plugin offers features such as statusline helpers, color and icon support, and the ability to open files vertically or horizontally.

Breaking changes in arrow.nvim

9f9dc2 11 months ago
feat!: index_keys instead of after_9_keys

Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
return {
  opts = {
    show_icons = true,
    leader_key = ';' -- Recommended to be a single key

Developers using arrow.nvim

more configs
608 init.lua 56 2638
356 init.lua 264 13053
110 init.lua 79 6709
65 init.lua 18 2089