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stevearc / dressing.nvim


Neovim plugin to improve the default vim.ui interfaces
1581 494 5 2 days ago
utility awesome-neovim
dressing.nvim is a plugin for extending UI hooks. It allows authors to override default behavior for input and selection functions. It supports various UI implementations, such as Telescope, FZF, and a built-in selector. It provides customizable configuration options for prompt strings, window layout, key mappings, and more.

Breaking changes in dressing.nvim

bcaf0d 9 months ago
refactor!: deprecate the "anchor" config option (#106)
63cfd5 10 months ago
refactor!: drop support for Neovim 0.7


Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
{"stevearc/dressing.nvim", opts = {}}

Developers using dressing.nvim

more configs
3185 init.lua 39 3730
1828 init.lua 94 8053
1141 init.lua 70 7358
669 init.lua 182 10284