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stevearc / oil.nvim


Neovim file explorer: edit your filesystem like a buffer
2691 331 4 5 days ago
file-explorer awesome-neovim
oil.nvim is a file explorer that allows you to browse and edit your filesystem like a buffer. It supports various options and adapters, such as SSH for accessing files remotely. The plugin provides an API for interacting with the file explorer and includes features like file sorting, hidden file toggling, and opening files in a floating window.

Breaking changes in oil.nvim

9d9089 8 months ago
refactor!: disable netrw by default (#155)
393f0d 10 months ago
fix!: selecting multiple files only opens buffers, not windows (#111)


Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
  opts = {},
  -- Optional dependencies
  dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },

Developers using oil.nvim

more configs
548 init.lua 79 5574
547 init.lua 61 3141
310 init.lua 55 2296
282 init.lua 17 392