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Issue #11

Issue #11

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Neovim Core updates

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Important: if you are a plugin author, you are strongly advised to follow the #14090 breaking changes on master GitHub thread, as it contains important breaking changes information.

  • #20103: The methods append, prepend, remove in vim.opt[_local] no longer return a value and now act on the option object in-place.
  • #20331:
    • Renamed vim.treesitter.get_captures_at_position => vim.treesitter.get_captures_at_pos
    • Renamed vim.treesitter.get_node_at_position => vim.treesitter.get_node_at_pos

Neovim Plugin Community updates

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.


New plugins {#new-plugins}



Capture and show any messages in a customisable (floating) buffer. Plugin by @AckslD.



Tiny plugin to quickly switch python virtual environments from within neovim without restarting.



@martineausimon made this plugin some time ago but released a feature set this week, and since we’ve never really talked about it, we present it as a new plugin. This is a plugin for writing LilyPond scores, with asynchronous make, midi/MP3 player, fast syntax highlighting, and support for LaTex files .

This releases comprises:

  • Better syntax file for LilyPond.
  • Asynchronous :make - compile in background without freezing Neovim.
  • MP3 player in floating window (LilyPond only) - convert and play midi file while writing score (using mpv, fluidsynth & ffmpeg).
  • Simple ftplugin for LilyPond with makeprg, correct errorformat.
  • Compile only main file when working on multiple files project (LilyPond only).
  • ftplugin for TeX files whith detect and allows embedded LilyPond syntax, adaptive makeprg function for lyluatex or lilypond-book, correct errorformat.
  • Easy Point & Click configuration.

A pretty awesome and surprising plugin! Keep it going!


@olrtg’s first plugin! This plugin gives you a :RenameState command that you can use on the getter or the setter of a state hook with React / SolidJS and then rename the current node and the counterpart accordingly with the LSP.


A new module of mini.nvim by @echasnovski. This one allows users to align text interactively (like vim-easy-align, but in Lua and slightly different mechanics). Provides rich and flexible customization of both alignment rules and user interaction. Works with charwise, linewise, and blockwise selections in both Normal mode (on textobject/motion; with dot-repeat) and Visual mode.



Porting a Sublime Text to Neovim? Done! A new theme by @ofirgall.


A new plugin by @alex-laycalvert allowing to create subjects and flashcards directly from Neovim and do all of your studying from there. :Flashcards is the entry command.



nvim-jqx is a plugin made by @gennaro-tedesco that lets you dynamically interact with JSON files. It exposes two commands:

  • JqxList to populate the quickfix window with JSON entries, visualise and query them.
  • JqxQuery to execute jq queries from command line.

A promising and probably useful plugin! Congrats!



guwen.nvim, aka "古文", is a plugin made by @haolian9 that shows random chinese poetry or prose in a floating window.


@dundalek released their first plugin. It can automatically install lsp servers in Neovim. It is an alternative to the well known nvim-lsp-installer / mason.nvim, but aims to minimize the need of manual intervention.


If you use Ruby on Rails, this new plugin by @weizheheng might be for your. It has two features (for now!): snippets and minitest reporter integration.


Writing games with Godot Engine just got easier with this new plugin by @Lommix. It helps you running your application in debug, break on error or cursor. Step, read and continue.


Updates {#updates}


🔑 1Password for Neovim! Built using the 1Password CLI, Go, and Lua.

op.nvim secret detection

@mrjones2014 updated op.nvim, a Neovim integration with 1Password, to auto-detect hard-coded secrets in buffers and produce diagnostics.


Color picker / colorizer plugin.


The plugin now has a colorizer, similar to what you would find in nvim-colorizer.lua.


Did you know? {#tips}

No tips for this week!


Want to contribute? {#contribute}

You have noticed something missing that you saw lately? Do not keep the candies for yourself and please feel free to share with us! You can open a PR at This Week In Neovim Contents.

Feel free to read how to contribute to get started.