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Default colorscheme with Neovim branding, NeovimConf live just held, Vimconf videos released, and more

Issue #57

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Hello everyone 👋

This issue is quite delayed since I've been out on vacation, and subsequently on a work conference! Looking to improve the consistency by driving some improvements to TWiN, please take a look at the bottom of the community updates section of this issue for more information and how to contribute!

This past week NeovimConf was hosted by ThePrimeagen and TJ DeVries, looking forward to sharing the talks when they have been posted to YouTube!

The videos from Vimconf where recently released however, so please have a look at those if you couldn't make it to the conference!

During the hiatus we've also have several updates in Neovim Core as well as new plugins. Core updates include a new Neovim branded default colorscheme!

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim branded default colorscheme in core


Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

Vimconf 2023 talks released on YouTube

All talks of VimConf 2023 are now up on YouTube

New plugins


Treesitter grammar for Justfiles (casey/just)


Code outline sidebar powered by LSP. Significantly enhanced & refactored fork of symbols-outline.nvim.



Variable user customization for telescope.live_grep to set rg flags on-the-fly


Quarto mode for Neovim


A neovim plugin for interactively running code with the jupyter kernel. Fork of magma-nvim with improvements in image rendering, performance, and more


Put on your shades so you only see what you care about


Jupyter notebooks on neovim powered by Jupytext


Check and then exit from Neovim


A simple plugin to greet you with a tip when you launch Neovim


Automatically resolves imports for undefined terms in neovim.


Load all the ultra colorschemes into your Neovim player!


🦙 Llama 2 and llama.cpp interfaces for Neovim


Low latency typst preview for Neovim


Easily create changesets using your favourite editor


Lua port of Selenized theme for Neovim with support for Tree-sitter, nvim-cmp, GitSigns and some more


A blazing fast and minimal neovim autocompletion


Neovim plugin management inspired by Cargo.


A neovim plugin to move and rename java files and do other things.


nvim plugin that adds tabs for telescope search


A plugin to prevent editing files containing sensible information.


Convenient flips & shifts for your windows layout


Jump around quickly using treesitter!


Configurable tools for working with Markdown in Neovim.


Fidget.nvim rewritten and revived


Initiative to improving TWiN consistency

Since taking over TWiN I've struggled to keep the weekly schedule going, since curating the issues has taken quite a lot of manual work and I really wanted to hold a high quality bar for the issues.

I've decided to try to minimize the amount of manual work done when sourcing, and instead try to improve the consistency.

Currently the most time consuming parts of curating an issue are:

  • Sourcing images for plugins that couldn't be parsed
  • Sourcing Reddit posts for each new plugins
  • Going through Reddit for top posts
  • Going through Neovim core news and adding them to the post

We started a discussion in this GitHub issue to discuss contributions that can automate some of those parts and drive improved consistency by making it easier to curate an issue.

Would love to hear any feedback on quality vs consistency, and if anyone is interested in contributing pelase head over to the issue to join the discussion!


Add your the plugin in either of the following to be featured in This Week in Neovim and Dotfyle:

Contribute to the development of Dotfyle:

  • File issues and submit pull requests on GitHub
  • Discuss ideas on Discord