Configuration tips, rewriting the tree-sitter HTTP parser, bookmark utility, Salesforce development, git submodule management
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This week Neovim core added support for OSC 8 hyperlinks, transparent fold text and executing ranged lua commands in buffers of any filetype. From the community we have a blog post about rewriting the tree-sitter HTTP parser, a helpful Reddit thread about configuration tips, and new plugins for bookmarks, Salesforce development, improved visual line mode, note taking, git submodule management, and more.
Hope you enjoy this weeks issue!
Neovim core
Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.
- @neovim on Twitter
- Neovim news
:h news.txt
updates in Neovim directly- PR's on GitHub
Neovim Core Commits
- feat(ex_cmds): ranged :lua #27167
- feat(ui): add support for OSC 8 hyperlinks (#27109)
- feat(fold): transparent foldtext
Neovim Plugin Community
Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.
Resources & articles
What are your favorite tricks using Neovim?
A helpful post on Reddit this week gave the opportunity for people to share their favorite tricks from their Neovim configurations. Some examples of what was shared was:
- Jump to last edit position on opening file
- Smart dd, only yank the line if it's not empty
- Swapping Esc key with CapsLock key
And more! Take a look and see if you can find some nice tidbits to add to your config.
Hello Http Parser
A blog post about rewriting the tree-sitter HTTP parser that will be used in the rest.nvim rewrite. It covers everything you need to know about the parser and how it will affect rest.nvim. Including its new features, improvements, bug fixes, breaking changes and more!
New plugins
Bookmark your files, separated by project, and quickly navigate through them.
arrow.nvim provides a UI to manage bookmarks. It allows you to easily navigate between and edit bookmarks using a single key mapping. The plugin offers features such as statusline helpers, color and icon support, and the ability to open files vertically or horizontally.
A salesforce plugin for Neovim.
salesforce.nvim provides utilities for developing Salesforce applications. It emulates the commands of the Salesforce extension for VS Code and offers features such as executing Apex code, toggling debug logging, refreshing org info, pushing/pulling files from the org, and setting the default org.
Enhance neovim's visual line mode with fully highlighted lines
full_visual_line.nvim highlights the whole line when in visual line mode, instead of just part of the line
I tried quite a lot
Project Management
plugins. In the end, I found all I need is an easier way tocd
to another project directory.
cd-project.nvim simplifies the process of switching between project directories. It offers a convenient way to add and switch to directories, making it easier for users to navigate between their projects.
Hurl.nvim is a Neovim plugin designed to run HTTP requests directly from
files. Elevate your API development workflow by executing and viewing responses without leaving your editor.
hurl.nvim allows users to run HTTP requests via .hurl files. It provides features such as executing requests, viewing responses in popup or split mode, and customizable settings for formatting responses.
A simple note taking plugin for neovim
simple-note.nvim is a minimalist note-taking plugin for creating, listing, previewing, renaming, and deleting notes in Neovim. It utilizes Telescope for prompts and offers simple keymap shortcuts for various actions.
Telescope extension for git submodules
telescope-git-submodules.nvim allows users to list and interact with the git submodules in their project. It provides features such as previewing file changes for each submodule, running a git TUI of choice, and bypassing Telescope if only one submodule is available.
A carefully crafted Nord❄️ color scheme written in Lua for Neovim.
A luau-lsp extension to improve your experience in neovim.
luau-lsp.nvim provides features such as Roblox types and sourcemap generation, definition files, Luau FFlags, bytecode generation, and server settings. It also allows project configuration and comes with default settings.
A Drupal plugin for neovim coded in Lua.
drupal.nvim offers features such as autocompletion of Drupal services using "@", and the generation of LuaSnip snippets for Drupal hooks.
Blazingly fast navigation of Markdown links written in pure Lua.
marknav.nvim is a plugin for navigating through Markdown links in Neovim. It provides commands and keybindings exclusively for Markdown files, allowing users to open links under the cursor, open links in new tabs, go back to previous files, and follow specific links using an interactive dialog.
Yet another statusline plugin for neovim.
yasl.nvim is a lightweight and minimal statusline plugin. It focuses on simplicity and performance while providing features like LSP diagnostics, Git information, and the ability to create custom components. The plugin aims to be efficient by evaluating statusline components only when necessary.
A simple plugin to display weather on nvim
wttr.nvim is a tool to display weather information based on location or IP address. It integrates with lualine to display current weather and can provide more detailed weather forecasts in a popup
A collection of nifty neovim code actions
code-refactor.nvim provides code actions that do not require a language server. It integrates with treesitter and offers various actions for JavaScript and PHP code. It allows toggling arrow functions, flipping ternary expressions, negating expressions, and more. The plugin is under active development, with new languages and actions being regularly added.
Neovim theme telescope extension
huez.nvim allows users to preview and select color schemes using Telescope, and save their selection persistently through sessions.
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