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Neovim turns 10 years old and opens official merch store, plugin testing framework extracted from core & official pkl integration from Apple

Issue #62

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This week Neovim turned 10 years old, and to celebrate the team opened an official Neovim store where all proceeds go to continued Neovim development!

We have several exciting plugins from the community including a plugin testing framework extracted from core, an official pkl language integration by Apple, interesting blog posts and updates from xcodebuild.nvim and rustaceanvim.

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

10 years since Neovim's first commit and official merch store


10 years ago Neovim had it's first commit. The team created an official merch store to celebrate where you can buy Neovim branded t-shirts, hoodies, coffee cups and more. All profits go to benefit the Neovim project.

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

Resources & articles

Integrating TUIs into Neovim

In this blog post ezeanyinabia explores integrating Terminal User Interfaces into Neovim using terminal buffers.

First Look at Thunder Rest

The v2 version of rest.nvim (aka Thunder Rest) is almost ready, so NTBBloodbath made a blog post with some of the most relevant updates before the release announcement.

New plugins


Timetravel for neovim

tardis.nvim allows you to navigate through the git history of your current file in Neovim, inspired by git-timemachine for Emacs. It provides keymaps for scrolling through revisions, showing revision messages, and quitting.


Easy way to save and load Macros!

nvim-macros helps manage and enhance macros. It allows you to yank macros from any register, save them to a JSON file, and easily select and run them. The plugin handles special characters in macros and provides the flexibility to customize the storage location for your macros.


Seamless navigation between Neovim windows and Zellij panes.

zellij-nav.nvim integrates window navigation with the zellij multiplexer. It provides commands and Lua functions for navigating between windows. The plugin aims to be simple and lightweight, similar to vim-tmux-navigator.


Telescope extension for git submodules

telescope-git-submodules.nvim allows users to list and interact with the git submodules in their project. It provides features such as previewing file changes for each submodule, running a git TUI of choice, and bypassing Telescope if only one submodule is available.


A NeoVim plugin to quickly open the GitHub page for a plugin.


bookmarks.nvim allows users to easily add and manage bookmarks. It provides commands and APIs to mark the current line as a bookmark, go to a selected bookmark, add new bookmark lists, and set active bookmark lists.


Easily save images displayed via image.nvim

image-save.nvim adds a command for saving images using the 3rd/image.nvim plugin. It allows users to easily save the nearest image to their cursor in the current window by prompting them to enter a file path. The plugin also provides the option to enable a "Save Image" option in the popup menu for convenient right-click saving.


The primary stinvim distro colorscheme includes the default feature of dimming inactive windows, along with various other customization options for users.


A neovim plugin to automatically correct common misspellings and typos like "teh" for "the".

thethethe.nvim is an autocorrect plugin, based on vim-autocorrect. It loads the dictionary in the background to avoid startup delays. The plugin automatically corrects common misspellings and typos as you type.


Jump between open buffers in a flash

quick-buffer-jump provides a quick buffer jump screen where users can easily navigate to their desired buffer by pressing a letter next to the buffer's name.


Test framework for Neovim plugins

nvim-test is a testing framework for Neovim plugins. It is adapted from the Neovim repository's testing framework. Users can run tests with specified versions of Neovim and provide arguments to busted.


Plugin for cleaning up the default key mappings and plugins in Neovim leaving only the bare essentials.

clean.nvim removes default key mappings and disables nonessential builtin plugins like netrw, zipPlugin, matchit


Simple scratch buffers for Neovim

scratch.nvim enables you to easily open scratch buffers in the current window or in a new split window, and automatically switches to an existing scratch buffer if it's already open. The scratch buffer serves as a temporary workspace and is not associated with a file.


Automatically reload and synchronize your most recently used colorscheme.

colorsaver.nvim allows users to save and load their preferred colorscheme persistently across\ sessions. It also automatically updates and applies colorscheme changes across multiple running instances of Neovim.


gemini bindings for Neovim

gemini.nvim is a plugin that interfaces with Google's Gemini API in order to provide features such as a popup menu and function hints.


Pkl language support for Neovim

pkl-neovim provides language support for the Pkl programming language. It offers syntax highlighting, code folding using Treesitter, and code snippets using SnipMate, or UltiSnips.


Search for directories with telescope and perform any action.


Convenience library for controlling a Neovim process embedded inside another Neovim process.

yo-dawg.nvim is a wrapper for controlling an embedded Neovim process within Neovim itself. It simplifies the process of testing and provides a general-purpose plugin-like functionality. It allows the user to start a new Neovim process, evaluate Vim script expressions, call asynchronous methods, and terminate the process when done.


PlatformIO wrapper for neovim written in lua

Updated plugins

xcodebuild.nvim updates

Neovim plugin to Build, Run, and Test applications created with Xcode & Swift.

Recently xcodebuild.nvim added the possibility to browse code coverage, see snapshot tests diff, and a Test Explorer for easier navigation between tests.

rustaceanvim adds new testable command, failed test results diagnostics and neotest integration


Supercharge your Rust experience in Neovim! A heavily modified fork of rust-tools.nvim

The new testable command queries rust-analyzer for runnables, instead of using tree-sitter queries to build the test command. On neovim-nightly, tests will be run in the background, and failures will be displayed as diagnostics.

This can be integrated with a new neotest plugin which automatically configures the DAP strategy; reusing the existing :RustLsp debuggables logic.

This works with both cargo test and cargo-nextest.


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