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Sticky buffers in Neovim, new python LSP, managing language server ram usage and rest.nvim release

Issue #65

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This week we have several exciting updates, including support for sticky buffers in Neovim (and Vim!), a new python LSP added to lspconfig, a plugin for managing ram usage from your language servers, rest.nvim v2 release and other exciting plugins from the community.

Hope you enjoy the issue!

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

Sticky buffers

A vim patch was ported to Neovim core to support "sticky buffers". You can clamp a window to a specific buffer. Features like quickfix will not unintentionally use that window for showing other buffers. Try it out with:

:edit foo
:setlocal winfixbuf
:edit bar

Here is the issue.

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

Resources & articles

Creating, Curating and Customising Your Ideal Editor with TJ DeVries

New python LSP added to lspconfig

Support for basedpyright has been merged into lspconfig. It's a fork of pyright that aims to fix issues with the original pyright and adds support for inlay hints and semantic highlighting which were previously exclusive to pylance.

New plugins


Garbage collector that stops inactive LSP clients to free RAM

garbage-day.nvim is a tool that stops inactive LSP clients to free up RAM. It includes options for customization and debugging, and can be manually triggered for efficient LSP management.


harpoon2 for lualine

harpoon-lualine adds a Harpoon status indicator to Lualine, showing marks and providing easy navigation within Neovim.


✨ A Copilot Chat like experience in Neovim. Supports Anthropic, Ollama and OpenAI

codecompanion.nvim offers a Copilot Chat-like experience for writing and modifying code inline, with support for multiple generative AI adapters. It enables custom actions, code saving/restoring, and async execution.


Highlight whitespace in visual mode

visual-whitespace.nvim shows whitespace characters in visual mode, similar to VS Code. Default settings include highlighting options for space, tab, and newline characters.


Open/preview contents of the current file at a specific commit, without using git checkout

telescope-git-file-history.nvim allows you to open and preview the current file at any previous commit using Telescope without affecting your git workflow.


a remote neovim plugin for viewing Dadbod query results in a web browser

nvim-dadbod-bg is a utility that uses a web server to display database query results in a browser, compatible with vim-dadbod. It offers enhanced visualization and filtering options for query output.


Show more information on lualine

lualine-ext.nvim enhances lualine by displaying additional information like cursor symbols, project names, date details, navic, git blame, and key commands.


A neovim plugin to generate random words for printf debugging

randomword.nvim generates random words for debug print statements in different programming languages with customizable templates and keybinds. Allows easy insertion of debug print statements using default or specific templates, enhancing debugging efficiency.


Generate gitignore files without leaving Neovim..

nvim-gitignore allows users to generate .gitignore files quickly by selecting templates from GitHub's list of templates via API requests. It offers a list of templates to choose from and creates the selected file.


Useful nvim-cmp comparators for rust-analyzer

nvim-cmp-rust offers configuration options for prioritizing Rust completion suggestions based on criteria like postfix, Borrow, Deref, and common traits.


The repository is collect some little utility in Neovim

utilities.nvim collects various utility functions for productivity enhancements within Neovim. It includes features like smart movement behavior for specified languages and key mappings for efficient navigation.


A neovim plugin for the i journal app

The i.nvim plugin integrates the i journaling cli with scheduled journal entry dialogues, offering customizable settings for automated and manual entry submission.

Updated plugins

rest.nvim v2 release

grapple.nvim updates since v10 release


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  • File issues and submit pull requests on GitHub
  • Discuss ideas on Discord