Building a language server from scratch, Neovim component library and tailwind completion tools
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This week we have several exciting updates from the community, including a component library for Neovim, better Tailwind completion tools, and a guide on how to build a Language Server from scratch!
Hope you enjoy this weeks issue!
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Neovim Plugin Community
Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.
Resources & articles
Learn By Building a LSP server
In this video, TJ Devries builds a Language Server from scratch starting with an empty Go project and using no dependencies.
New plugins
A simple AsciiDoc preview while editing AsciiDoc documents in Neovim
nvim-asciidoc-preview is a plugin for previewing AsciiDoc documents in a web browser while editing them in Neovim, featuring automatic updates upon saving.
Telescope extension that uses Telescope live_grep to grep through help files
telescope-helpgrep.nvim extends Telescope's live_grep functionality to search through help files efficiently. It offers an alternative to help_tags and help commands, providing a more streamlined and user-friendly searching experience.
A feature-rich and highly customizable library for creating user interfaces in Neovim
nui-components simplifies UI development in Neovim by offering a rich set of tools to create user interfaces using Lua. The library includes features like state management and form validations for building complex UIs effortlessly.
Tailwind CSS integration and tooling for Neovim
tailwind-tools.nvim integrates Tailwind CSS features into Neovim such as class color hints, concealing, sorting, and completion utilities, using LSP and treesitter.
Dark only theme for Neovim with treesitter support
kurayami.nvim is a dark theme for Neovim. It integrates with treesitter for syntax highlighting and supports various plugins.
Harpoon info for any statusline
harpoonline enables displaying up-to-date information from harpoon2 in a status line. It supports multiple lists, offers customizable formatters, and caches data for efficiency.
Improves Volar language server goto definition
vue-goto-definition.nvim enhances the Volar language server's "goto definition" feature for Vue with auto imports, filtering out unnecessary entries from the location list. It provides default configuration settings for filtering and framework detection, particularly useful for Vue 3 and Nuxt setups. The plugin suggests using Volars takeover mode for better functionality and offers additional configurations for efficient LSP usage.
A soft and sweet colorscheme for Neovim
Distro agnostic components for your Neovim heirline config
heirline-components.nvim provides distro-agnostic components for configuring the Neovim heirline. It offers tabline, winbar, statuscolumn, and statusline components with customizable icons and colors. The plugin simplifies Heirline engine usage by offering pre-tested components for quick setup.
Open terminal in split and execute commands on buffer save
coderunner.nvim enables executing commands on buffer save using configurable splits and commands based on file types.
Classic 15 puzzle for Neovim.
15puzzle.nvim implements the classic 15 Puzzle game for Neovim, allowing users to play within the editor using custom key controls and various themes.
A plugin for neovim to render pandas dataframes in [nvim-dap][1] using the power of [visidata][2].
visidata.nvim integrates pandas dataframes in nvim-dap using the power of visidata.
A very minimal start screen for neovim which displays a random quote.
randomquote.nvim is a minimalistic plugin that displays random quotes from on startup
git-remote-url.nvim adds commands to copy Github remote URLs for the main branch and the current branch.
A keymap manager for Neovim, simplifying keybinding management and customization.
keymaps.nvim is a plugin that allows you to easily manage key mappings in Neovim using Lua configuration files.
A bookmarks manager for chaivim.
shelf.nvim is a bookmarks manager for chaivim, similar to harpoon, offering features for managing buffers within Neovim. It requires Neovim with LuaJIT and chaivim.
Neovim plugin for css variable autocompletion
css-vars.nvim provides autocompletion for CSS variables using cmp_luasnip and ripgrep.
easily configurable neovim system with solid defaults and a cozy editor experience.
chaivim features plugin management and integrated tools like Telescope, Treesitter, keymaps handler, Lualine, completion plugin, snippet engine, and git integration. It also offers a statusline plugin, trouble diagnostics manager, and floating statuslines. Installation can be done manually or through an installer script. The configuration can be customized with Lua scripts.
A comfy neovim colorscheme for cozy morning coding.
evergarden is a cozy colorscheme for coding with a focus on readability and comfort. It offers various customization options and support for Treesitter and plugins like GitGutter and Telescope.
A Neovim colorscheme emphasizing readability above all else.
sunburn.nvim is a colorscheme emphasizing readability with consistent brightness and distinct hues. It uses the Oklab color space and predefined values for a balanced palette.
A colorscheme creation micro-framework for Neovim
polychrome.nvim simplifies colorscheme creation with a focus on clarity and support for various color gamuts. It offers a straightforward syntax and handling of colors.
A full-fledged Neovim distribution included by default in StratOS, an upcoming Arch-based Linux distro.
StratVIM is a configuration for nvim that includes features like theme switching, lazy loading, git management, a dashboard, terminal support, customized cmdline, and LSP support.
Lua plugin to manage packages in neovim
parcel.nvim is a package manager tool that displays locked and new package versions for supported package managers like Composer and NPM/Yarn.
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