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Commenting interface added to Neovim core, codesnap.nvim v1 release, AstroNvim v4 release, yankbank.nvim - popup menu for yanking and deleting...

Issue #68

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This week Neovim core adds builtin support for treesitter powered commenting. We have several updates from the plugin community like yankbank.nvim - a popup menu for yanking and deleting, CodeSnap version 1 release for capturing images of code snippets within Neovim and many other plugins, AstroNvim v4 release and more...

Hope you enjoy this weeks issue!

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

Neovim adds builtin commenting

Neovim adds a commenting interface to core, available on 0.10. It is similar to tpope/vim-commentary, and is powered by treesitter.

It supports

  • gc operator
  • gc textobject
  • gcc toggles current line
  • dot-repeat, [count] support, etc.

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

Resources & articles

Using ripgrep as grepprg to search in the current project

Lukas Reineke shared tips on how to use :grep with ripgrep to get search and replace functionality and more.

New plugins


cmp-mocword is a completion source for the mocword plugin, compatible with nvim-cmp. It requires nvim-cmp, mocword, and plenary.nvim.


Neovim plugin improving access to recent yank history

yankbank-nvim manages recent yanks and deletions in a popup menu for easy access. It allows pasting the selected entry at the cursor position.


A theme for the Ancient Ones! (NVIM)

eldritch.nvim is a community-driven theme for dark-theme enthusiasts with a Lovecraftian horror inspiration. It features shades of green and blue and offers customization options such as enabling transparency. The plugin can be seamlessly integrated with lualine and lazy.nvim for enhanced functionality.


Refine nvim-cmp completion behavior by applying useful filtering and sorting for candidates from Rust Analyzer. (Won't cause side effects on other cmp sources)

nvim-cmp-lsp-rs is a plugin that refines completion behavior for Rust code by applying filtering and sorting specifically tailored for Rust-Analyzer, improving the completion suggestions based on kind, scope, and import items.


w,b,W,B motion for the current line only

wb-only-current-line.nvim provides motion commands (w,b,W,B) tailored for operating within the current line.


Show diff automatically when git rebase

git-rebase-auto-diff.nvim automatically shows the git diff during a git rebase process.


Helldivers 2's "Strategem Hero" minigame for Neovim. Become a better Helldiver from the comfort of your favorite editor!

strat-hero.nvim allows users to practice Helldivers 2 stratagems in a game-like UI within Neovim. It offers commands to open, start, stop, and close the game, along with mappings for gameplay using various keys.


convert git remote's url (git@ <-> https://)

convert-git-url.nvim facilitates converting between git remote URLs using a command :ConvertGitUrl.


Copy text to local clipboard in ssh using OSC52

osc52.nvim copies text to the local clipboard when using ssh.


Broadcast config for running nvim instances via rpc socket.

broker.nvim facilitates running nvim instances via rpc socket and includes features like persistant/broadcast colorschemes and a command to broadcast commands.


Commit & Push to Git from Neovim!

nvim-gpush improves commit efficiency by enabling commits and pushes directly from Neovim.


ctrl-w removes to specific characters

delete-word-to-chars.nvim removes text up to specific characters using Ctrl-W.


Strong default and new pickers for fzf-lua.

fzf-lua-overlay enhances fzf-lua with additional pickers like recent files, lazy.nvim plugins, notes, and more. It provides strong defaults and expands functionality.


A dark and earthy colorscheme for Neovim.

darkearth-nvim is a dark and earthy color scheme for Vim, based on miasma.nvim and created with lush.


taskrun.nvim is a task runner that uses toggleterm to execute shell commands. It provides a simple interface to run commands within Neovim.


Configure commands not to be registered in the command-line history

history-ignore.nvim excludes commands from the command-line history.


Directional navigation and resizing of Neovim + Wezterm

wezterm-move.nvim facilitates easy navigation between panes in Wezterm using key bindings in neovim.


term-gf.nvim allows jumping by gf at the filename point on the terminal.


Use Five-Server inside Neovim

five-server.nvim integrates Five-Server into Neovim, allowing users to view dynamic and static pages. The plugin provides functionalities such as debugging via notify, log file support, support for fiveserverrc, and multiple instances within a single session.


Save the Linux clipboard on exit


Neovim plugin written in Lua for working with .Net projects in Neovim. Makes it easier to run/test/build/debug projects

easy-dotnet.nvim simplifies running and managing .NET projects in Neovim by providing actions like build, run, test, and restore. It supports solution and csproj files, handles different project types, user secrets, and offers various commands for project management.


Lazy.nvim while not lazy load your helpdocs.

lazy-help.nvim allows lazy loading of help documentation while appending the docs' cache into the runtime path.


Speedup Markdown writing.

mder.nvim provides functionality and key mappings for editing Markdown files in Neovim.


A directory navigator, with similar model to vim's builtin undolist.

dirstack.nvim is a directory navigator that operates similarly to vim's undolist, providing key mappings for navigation and displaying directory information.


A scrollable watch alternative for Neovim.

watch.nvim enables live watching of shell commands in a scrollable buffer within Neovim.


I use Neovim (BTW)

btw.nvim is a startup screen that displays the text "I use Neovim (BTW)" when Neovim is opened. It serves as a simple startup screen and a way to show your Neovim usage.


Simple utility plugin for taskwarrior in Neovim

m_taskwarrior_d.nvim allows viewing, adding, editing, and completing tasks seamlessly within Neovim. It enhances task management in Markdown files without reinventing Taskwarrior's task management approach.


spiral-split.nvim automatically changes window split direction. It offers setup options and a keymap for easy usage.


Native LuaSnip snippets. Inspired by Jetbrain's IDEs.

luasnip-snippets provides a collection of snippets for various programming languages, including Lua, C++, Rust, and Dart. It offers shortcuts for common coding tasks such as function definitions, include statements, and constructor declarations.


LSP Configuration Engine built for AstroNvim

AstroLSP provides a unified interface for configuring language servers in Neovim. It offers features like key mappings, format on save, and toggling of features. Installation and customization can be done through respective plugin managers. Configuration can be set up with various options provided by AstroLSP. It can serve as a basis for configuring plugins like nvim-lspconfig and mason-lspconfig. Additionally, AstroLSP provides a Lua API with utility functions for seamless integration.


Nix flake of Awesome Neovim plugins

flake-awesome-neovim-plugins is a Nix flake that mirrors the Awesome Neovim collection, providing daily-updated packages for Neovim plugins. Use it with the given overlay and contribute by adding or removing plugins through pull requests.


A beautiful, powerful and customizable neovim config that is blazing fast

IceNvim is a customizable configuration for development in various programming languages with integrated Git support, enhanced editing features, multiple color schemes, and user-friendly keymap explorer.

Updated plugins

CodeSnap.nvim releases v1

codesnap.nvim is a snapshot tool with customizable features for capturing images of code snippets within Neovim.

  • Templates for code snaps
  • Custom watermark and window style
  • Mac-style title bar
  • Generate snapshots using only a single command
  • Breadcrumbs for display file path
  • More background themes


AstroNvim v4 Released

AstroNvim v4 released after 10 months of development and 2 months of beta testing

  • Modularization of configuration into core plugins: AstroCore, AstroUI, AstroLSP
  • Converts AstroNvim into a plugin for Lazy plugin manager, allowing import of plugin specs
  • Removes own configuration engine, relies on Neovim configuration standards
  • Empowers AstroCommunity plugin marketplace for more control over configuration
  • Users gain full control over ~/.config/nvim directory
  • AstroCommunity boasts 200+ Neovim plugins and 60+ programming language packs
  • Documentation improvements for easier user understanding and configuration building
  • Migration guide available for AstroNvim v3 users, with specific instructions for parallel migration using NVIM_APPNAME


img-clip.nvim v.0.4.0 release

img-clip v0.4.0 released with new features and bug fixes, img-clip.nvim is a Neovim plugin for embedding images into markup languages. Features include pasting images from clipboard, dragging from browser, embedding from web.

The new release adds:

  • Process images with customizable shell commands (e.g., compression, resizing)
  • Extensive configuration options (per-project, per-directory, per-filetype)
  • Powerful API with integrations for plugins like Telescope.nvim and Oil.nvim
  • API enhancements enable integrations with external plugins



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  • File issues and submit pull requests on GitHub
  • Discuss ideas on Discord