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Browsing the internet inside Neovim, Power Mode, :TOhtml rewritten in Lua, screenkey.nvim, blame.nvim, decipher.nvim

Issue #69

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This week we put a spotlight on the Neovim core rewrite of :TOhtml to lua. We share a reddit post showcasing how to use Neovim version manager to browse the internet from Neovim, as well as using other GUI apps directly in Neovim. We share a work in progress project adding Power Mode support to Neovim, and several new and updated plugins.

Hope you enjoy this weeks issue!

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

:TOhtml rewritten in Lua

:TOhtml was rewritten in Lua with less code and extensive testing. It now supports extmarks and treesitter highlights, and is an alternative to :hardcopy, allowing buffer saving as HTML for printing via web browser.

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

Resources & articles

Browsing the internet and use other GUI apps from Neovim

You can run GUI apps in Neovim using NWM (Neovim Window Manager). Neovim X11 Window Manager lets you treat X11 windows like buffers. To focus an X11 window buffer, enter insert mode (unless auto-focus configurations are enabled). It spawns a rootfull Xwayland window and starts nxwm. The :Browser command lets you run Firefox in kiosk mode.

Powermode inside Neovim

sushi_ender shared their work in progress project which adds Power Mode support to Neovim. The approach is terminal-based and the implementation does not depend on a GUI.

New plugins


Screencast your keys in Neovim

screenkey.nvim displays typed keys in a floating window, useful for screencasting and live coding. It has options for customization and can compress repeated input for clarity.


Complete rewrite. Pure Lua.

telescope-media.nvim allows previewing various file types like images, PDFs, videos, and fonts within Neovim using the Telescope plugin. It supports a wide range of file formats and requires specific prerequisites for optimal functionality.


Harpoon-like file tracking. Supercharged with telescope.nvim.

track.nvim provides file tracking features similar to Harpoon, enhanced by telescope.nvim.


A proof of concept plugin. Configure Neovim with TOML/JSON.

toml.nvim is a plugin that enables Neovim configuration using TOML/JSON


Open remote git repositories in the comfort of Neovim.

git-dev.nvim allows opening remote Git repositories in Neovim and managing ephemeral shallow clones automatically. It aims to replicate the experience within Neovim. The plugin provides options to open repositories at specific branches, tags, or commits, seamlessly integrating with workflows. It offers cleanup functionality upon Neovim exiting. The plugin supports various customization options, such as setting repositories directory paths and defining Git command configurations.


Highlight cursor and visual selections in current buffer when entering command mode.

command-and-cursor.nvim highlights cursor and visual selections in Neovim's command mode, enhancing visibility and inclusivity. Installation is straightforward using a plugin manager. The plugin offers customization options for highlight group, priority, and more.

Updated plugins

blame.nvim updated with new features

Neovim fugitive style git blame plugin

The latest version of blame.nvim introduces:

  • Blame Stack: Navigate through file history like Github's blame feature.
  • QOL Improvements: Commit info popup, full commit details, and customization options.
  • Customization: Define formatting functions, implement custom views, and customize key mappings.


decipher.nvim v1 released

A neovim plugin for encoding and decoding text

The first major version of decipher.nvim was recently released including:

  • Several improvements
  • Fix for async ui select.
  • Updated docs
  • Support encoding base64-url


Bob neovim version manager release v2.9.0

Bob, a user-friendly Neovim version manager, simplifies switching between versions from the command line. Version v2.9.0 introduces several updates:

  • Alias for the latest Neovim commit: git|head
  • Automatic Neovim proxy update on use
  • Enhanced compatibility with older versions



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  • File issues and submit pull requests on GitHub
  • Discuss ideas on Discord