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Markdown viewing in Neovim, hints for motions, nvim-tree floating window preview, LaTeX snippets, telescope-switch.nvim, mason-bridge.nvim

Issue #71

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This week we have several Neovim core additions. The LSP mapping from last weeks update were reverted due to conflicts. Updates from the community include new Neo-tree maintainer, new plugins include markdown viewer, hints for motions, nvim-tree floating previews, automatic linter registration and more.

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

Reverting default LSP mappings

The default LSP mappings added in previous weeks have been reverted and will not be included in the 0.10 release as they need further consideration, however they will still be reintroduced in the beginning of the 0.11 release cycle.

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

New plugins


Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim

markdown.nvim is a plugin for enhancing Markdown file viewing in Neovim by providing features such as rendering in different modes, improved formatting, and support for various Markdown elements.


precognition.nvim - Precognition uses virtual text and gutter signs to show available motions.

precognition.nvim helps navigate buffers by providing hints for motions and can be toggled on/off or peeked for temporary viewing.


Floating preview windows for nvim-tree

nvim-tree-preview.lua enables previewing NvimTree files in a floating window, supporting keymap customization and window dimensions.


Neovim Lua port of gruber-darker-theme

gruber-darker.nvim is a colorscheme for Neovim resembling the BBEdit colorscheme, with the option to customize features such as bold styling and italics.


A cheatsheet plugin for neovim with bundled cheatsheets for the editor, multiple vim plugins, nerd-fonts, regex, etc. with a Telescope fuzzy finder interface !

cheatsheet.nvim allows searching and displaying cheatsheets from your editor using Telescope or a floating window, with autofill for commands and bundled cheats for various topics.


A set of preconfigured snippets for LaTeX for the snippet engine LuaSnip.

luasnip-latex-snippets.nvim provides preconfigured LaTeX snippets for the LuaSnip snippet engine.


A telescope plug helps you switch between files.

telescope-switch.nvim helps switch between files using the Telescope extension for Neovim.


oldworld.nvim is a theme for Neovim, inspired by mellow.nvim but with new colors and plugin integrations. It offers a relaxing color scheme and easy configuration options, along with various integrations including Gitsigns, LSP, and Telescope.


Automatically register linters and formatters installed in mason.nvim

mason-bridge.nvim bridges linters and formatters from mason.nvim to conform.nvim and nvim-lint. It requires specific plugin installation and setup order.


Creates a submode


cmake.nvim automates CMake pipeline tasks in Vim with dynamic aliases for commands like generate, build, run, test, and package. Additionally, it offers project navigation through CMake entities and plans to support CMake Presets and integration with Telescope for listing and interacting with project elements.


minimal neovim plugin for taking down notes for git projects, branch, etc.

gitpad.nvim provides a way to take notes per repository and branch in Neovim through floating windows, supporting branch-specific notes and extensible note lists.


🚀 Neovim Kubernetes Plugin : This Neovim plugin provides seamless integration with Kubernetes and Helm, allowing you to deploy and manage Kubernetes resources directly from your editor.

kube-utils-nvim facilitates seamless integration with Kubernetes and Helm for managing resources within Neovim, such as deploying Helm charts, simulating installs, updating dependencies, applying manifests, and opening the K9s CLI.


Another Neovim Discord RPC plugin

nvimcord is a Discord Rich Presence integration for Neovim, allowing users to display rich presence details on Discord while using Neovim.


🃏 At last! A way to play card games on your computer!

playtime.nvim is a collection of card games for Neovim, providing various classic solitaires and other solo card games. The plugin allows users to play different games by executing commands or accessing a graphical menu. Configuration options are available, and users can customize colors and settings. The plugin emphasizes using a mouse for interaction and provides guides for gameplay.


Neovim header for 42 projects. Written in Lua.

42-header.nvim is a plugin written in Lua that provides a command, auto update on save, supports commentstring, and Git.


🔭 | A Gitmoji plugin for Neovim using Telescope

neo-gitmoji.nvim is a Telescope integration for using Gitmoji with an emoji-based commit message system.


Neovim plugin for desktop notifications.

notifications.nvim can display desktop notifications on Linux/BSD, Windows, and macOS platforms. It supports lazy.nvim and pckr.nvim installation methods, allowing customization of icons and highlight groups. Notifications can be sent and history viewed using specific commands.


A Neovim plugin for seamless TypeScript type checking.

typecheck.nvim integrates TypeScript type checking seamlessly within quickfix or trouble windows, enhancing TypeScript development workflow. It allows asynchronous type checking without blocking UI and provides easy navigation through errors and warnings.


A simple and efficient code runner for Neovim.

quick-code-runner.nvim facilitates swift code execution across JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Go. It offers a customizable setup and features like QuickCodePad for writing code snippets in a floating window and QuickCodeRunner for executing selected code with ease.


🖋️ Highly extensible journaling system for Neovim

journal.nvim is a customizable journaling system for organizing daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly entries with custom templates and file organization, accessible via the :Journal command. It supports various platforms and flexible configurations for different entry types.


Neovim plugin for cider-jack-in

nvim-jack-in allows you to connect to a Clojure REPL and Leiningen from your editor with configurable options and commands.


spinner.nvim is a single file, no-dependency plugin for Neovim

spinner.nvim is a plugin for displaying and customizing spinners in your Neovim environment.


Neovim plugin providing extended functionality for quickfix.

quickfix.nvim provides extended functionality for managing quickfix lists in Neovim. It includes features such as storing and restoring quickfix items, making new quickfix lists, and removing quickfix items. The plugin also supports parsing command output to set quickfix list entries based on specified configurations.


My favorite theme for Neovim using transparent background


Use neovim as a diffing tool

diffthis.nvim is a plugin for diffing files within Neovim using key bindings to toggle and navigate through differences.


A Neovim plugin for launching tasks, I guess.

spLauncher.nvim helps in launching tasks and provides usage instructions in the provided help files.


MyNote is a Neovim plugin that allows you to take notes in a floating window


Smooth scroll for neovim.

scroll.nvim provides smooth scrolling functionality in Neovim, allowing customization of scrolling behavior through Lua functions.

Updated plugins

New project lead for neo-tree.nvim

The current lead developer of Neo-tree has announced their decision to step down from their role, transferring leadership responsibilities to u/pysan3. The transition is accompanied by plans to enhance Neo-tree's v4 release by addressing asynchronous code issues and integrating for improved cross-platform path management.

NWM floating windows appear above x-windows

NWM adds a feature for floating windows (not pop-up windows) to appear above x-windows.


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