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Neovim v0.10.0 release, builtin autocompletion, faster LuaLS setup with lazydev.nvim, grug-far.nvim, tiny-devicons-auto-colors.nvim

Issue #72

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The past couple of weeks we have several exciting updates including the official release of Neovim v.0.10.0, builtin autocompletion being added to Neovim nightly, LSP default mappings being readded to nightly, and more. From the plugin community folke released lazydev.nvim which significantly speeds up LuaLS setup and we have several other plugins!

Hope you enjoy the issue!

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

Neovim v0.10.0 released

Builtin autocompletion merged

This week vim.lsp.completion was introduced to Neovim nightly with the goal of supporting completion behaviours like snippet expansion, execution of commands, application of text edits, specified by LSP.

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

New plugins


Faster LuaLS setup for Neovim

lazydev.nvim speeds up autocomplete by loading only required modules, updates workspace libraries lazily, and includes a nvim-cmp completion source.


Find And Replace plugin for neovim

grug-far.nvim is a plugin for finding and replacing text in Neovim using the full power of ripgrep, with features like quickfix list navigation, inline editing, and search history management. It aims to reduce mental overhead by providing transparency and uniformity in text editing tasks.


A Neovim plugin that automatically assigns colors to devicons based on their nearest color in a predefined color palette.

tiny-devicons-auto-colors.nvim automatically assigns colors to devicons based on a predefined color palette or custom colors. It enhances the appearance of icons in Neovim, offering options for color adjustment and cache utilization.


Show jumplist in a floating window.

whatthejump.nvim displays jump locations in a floating window and provides keymap customization for jumping backwards and forwards.


a delightful mostly grayscale colorscheme thats soft on the eyes, and supports heaps of neovim plugins

lackluster.nvim is a grayscale colorscheme that offers soft visual experience and extensive plugin support. It features treesitter syntax highlighting and various color variations.


Neovim plugin to automatically adjust git env vars when syncing dotfiles using the "bare git repo" method

baredot.nvim automatically adjusts git environment variables when navigating directories. It switches between regular and bare git repository modes based on the presence of a .git folder.


Automatically strip trailing whitespace as you are editing.


simple file explorer for neovim

simplyfile.nvim is a simple file explorer for convenient file navigation and management within the Neovim environment. It supports features like opening and closing the explorer, customization options for keymaps, and additional functionalities like clipboard, search bar, filter, and sort.


donut.c meets Neovim

donut.nvim is a screensaver for Neovim windows that displays spinning donuts, triggered after a timeout. It does not alter buffers and restores previous state when a key is pressed. Synced spinning can be enabled, and manual triggering is possible with a command.


Take Amazing Screenshots of your code on Neovim

codeshot.nvim allows you to take screenshots of code with customization options and keymap shortcuts. It uses a fast Rust-based cli for generating images of code.


Preview markdown files and convert to PDF inside Neovim!

md-pdf.nvim is a lightweight Lua plugin for converting Markdown files to PDF and previewing them. It offers features like setting margins, customizing fonts, and generating table of contents.


Easy setup of C++ projects

reloader.nvim facilitates configuration changes in the clangd language server for Neovim without restarting the project. It integrates with Telescope to select different compilation databases, simplifying build switchovers.


kubectl.nvim processes kubectl outputs for Vim-like navigation in a buffer, allowing cluster exploration with colored output and features like sorting, executing into containers, and tailing logs.


Simple directory browser for Neovim

brodir.nvim is a file path navigator for Neovim, utilizing floating windows, Git status decorations, and file highlighting. It focuses on filepaths, utilizing conceal to display them.


A simple, declarative workspace finder

spaceman.nvim simplifies workspace management in Neovim by allowing the user to open workspaces based on specified parent directories or individual workspaces.


Quickly jump between buffers

rabbit.nvim allows for fast buffer navigation by tracking buffer history per window and offering quick access to recent buffers. It differentiates itself from other tools by simplifying buffer switching and supporting split-screen layouts. The plugin prioritizes efficiency and ease of use for seamless buffer management.


Just task runner for neovim

just.nvim implements the Just task runner functionality in your editor, enabling you to configure and execute build tasks using a justfile. Tasks can be run with specific commands and output is directed to quickfix and fidget windows.


Minimalistic alternative for the plugin mason-null-ls with support for external sources.

none-ls-autoload.nvim is a plugin that automatically manages the loading and unloading of mason packages for none-ls. It simplifies the process and supports none-ls external sources for additional functionality.


All external sources not natively supported by none-ls

none-ls-external-sources.nvim centralizes external sources for none-ls, enhancing compatibility and quality of unsupported sources. It provides guidelines for adding new sources and offers flexibility in customizing external sources.


Neovim plugin to assist work with CSV files

decisive.nvim assists in working with CSV files by aligning columns and providing navigation and editing tools. It employs neovim's inline extmarks feature for virtual text insertion, ensuring alignment without affecting the actual file content. The plugin offers functions to navigate columns and a text object for individual cell operations.


Port of org-roam to neovim using orgmode

org-roam.nvim is a port of Org-roam to Neovim with features like node manipulation, conflicts resolution, and Dailies Extension binding for easier navigation.


Picture In Markdown. A plugin written in Lua for Neovim to paste images from clipboard.

pinmd.nvim allows easy insertion of images into Markdown files with configurable options for file paths and formats.


A Neovim plugin to streamline the creation of React components with support for TSX and JSX file templates.

react-comp-gen.nvim streamlines React component creation with automated file generation and custom template support.


Changing function arguments order in Neovim!

change-function.nvim allows for swapping function arguments or parameters and updating them across a project. It leverages treesitter for syntax parsing and provides a customizable UI using nui. The plugin supports writing queries for different languages to match function declarations and call expressions.


Neovim Kitty Font Changer

Nekifoch manages Kitty terminal font settings through a Neovim command. It allows checking, setting font family, size, and listing available fonts. Configuration options include Kitty configuration path and WhichKey integration.


GPTModels - a stable, clean, multi model, window based LLM AI plugin for neovim

GPTModels.nvim is an AI plugin offering chat and code editing windows, supporting OpenAI and Ollama models, with features like file inclusion, background processing, request cancellation, selection and filetype inclusion, stability, and user experience enhancements.


A flexible snippet system using Neovim's new snippet api.

tesoura.nvim is a snippet management tool for Neovim using Lua tables with dynamic snippets and support for the nvim-cmp completion source.


a ridiculously fun neovim plugin for the workman keyboard layout

unruly-worker.nvim assists in remapping keybindings for the Workman keyboard layout in Neovim.


Neovim plugin to track the thought process of reading source code.

track.nvim is a plugin for enhancing mark functionality in Neovim by allowing users to track the thought process of reading source code. It offers functions for marking, unmarking, storing, restoring, and searching marks, as well as provides default configurations and keymap examples for easy usage.


Custom Telescope Picker for Chez Moi Managed Dot files

chezmoi-telescope.nvim is a custom Telescope Picker for managing files with Chez Moi. It adds commands to add, forget, and update Chez Moi's source. The plugin allows users to interact with their dotfiles managed by Chez Moi through a convenient Telescope interface.


Take a code screenshot using freeze by

freeze-code.nvim takes code "screenshots" by converting them into images using freeze. The plugin offers customizable installation options. Users can take screenshots of the entire buffer or selected lines. Keymaps for quick access are available, and contributions are welcome with a simple guide provided.


winbar.nvim sets a winbar at the top for each file in Neovim, displaying file modifications, colored icons, and integrated diagnostics for errors, warnings, and hints. Can customize icons and diagnostics visibility.

Updated Plugins

Trouble v3 merged to main


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