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Neovim builtin completion code example, window animations prototype, fzf multiline support, telescope-heading.nvim, cmp-beancount

Issue #73

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This week we have a code example for setting up Neovim builtin completion, a prototype for window animations inside Neovim, fzf adds multiline support, and several new plugins!

Hope you enjoy this weeks issue!

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Core Commits

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

Resources & articles

Neovim builtin completion code example

MariaSolOs created a gist which integrate built-in completion and snippet expansion into the LSP on_attach function, maintaining the previous super tab setup and keymaps used with nvim-cmp.

Neovim window animations prototype

Inspired by Hyprland's window animations, an initiative to create similar animations for Neovim windows was started and shared on Reddit as a prototype. Currently, it features only open animations, with plans to add closing and resizing animations. The primary goal is to ensure efficiency and avoid lag.

New plugins


An extension for telescope.nvim that allows you to switch between headings

telescope-heading.nvim is an extension that enables switching between document headings, supporting various file types and utilizing Tree-sitter for parsing when available.


Simple nvim plugin for keeping your cursor centered

readermode.nvim simplifies reading through code or text in Neovim by centering the cursor. It can be toggled on/off using a keymap or command.


nvim-cmp source for beancount accounts

cmp-beancount is a completion source for Beancount accounts that suggests completions based on prefixes and prefix abbreviations of account names.


Display spelling errors as diagnostics

spellwarn.nvim displays spelling errors as diagnostics using Neovim's spellchecking feature, providing consistency and respecting options like spellfile and spelllang. It works across filetypes and is context-aware with Treesitter.


cmp and gf on Laravel/Livewire components

lali-components.nvim enables navigation to Laravel/Livewire component files via gf command and provides autocompletion for component names using nvim-cmp.

Updated plugins

fzf v0.53 added multiline support

Fzf-lua can now better do grep & LSP searches on narrow width terminals via upstream added multiline support to fzf


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  • File issues and submit pull requests on GitHub
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