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Zeioth / distroupdate.nvim


Neovim plugin to update your current distro from its github remote
10 0 0 6 days ago
utility awesome-neovim
distroupdate.nvim is a tool to update your Neovim configuration from the GitHub repository, offering commands like :NvimDistroUpdate to fetch the latest changes.

Breaking changes in distroupdate.nvim

f7dd20 4 months ago
break!: `:checkhealth` now requires nvim `0.10`.
8862bd 6 months ago
breaking!: Removed cmd `UpdatePlugins`. If the user update 3 different package systems (lazy/mason/ts) at the same time, we increate the chance of running into bugs. Let's let the user update just what he needs.
c3f089 6 months ago
breaking!: Commands renamed and simplified.
