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wojciech-kulik / xcodebuild.nvim


Neovim plugin to Build, Debug, and Test applications created for Apple devices (iOS, macOS, watchOS, etc.)
762 12 0 1 day ago
utility manually-created
xcodebuild.nvim enables iOS, iPadOS, and macOS app development in Neovim. It supports various actions like building, running, and testing, and includes features such as a test explorer, code coverage display, and log parsing. It relies on command line tools like xcodebuild and simctl and integrates with other plugins like nvim-dap and telescope.nvim.

Breaking changes in xcodebuild.nvim

272f0d 3 months ago
feat!: added support for Swift Packages (#219)
c63f0a 3 months ago
chore!: refactored shell commands - improved escaping (#220)
ae3921 3 months ago
feat!: file manager options have been moved to project_manager node (#207)


Install instructions

Dotfyle does not endorse any plugins. Install at your own risk.
  dependencies = {
  config = function()

Developers using xcodebuild.nvim

more configs
5 init.lua 92 7848
4 init.lua 59 4290
1 init.lua 47 2210
1 init.lua 33 1124