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Neovim 0.9.2 released, plugin installer inside Neovim, imports with telescope, mini.nvim updates, lsp-zero v3 release and more

Issue #53

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Hello everyone 👋

Neovim 0.9.2 was released this past week, and more updates on Neovim Nightly, as well several new plugins from the community.

Neovim core

Updates of Neovim itself, which are available on Neovim nightly.

Neovim Plugin Community

Neovim is full of active plugins. This section is about the community and what is going on.

New plugins


Neovim plugin packed with modules ( battery, wifi, date, time, day etc) to litter the statusline and winbar


Import modules with ease

An extension for telescope.nvim that allows you to import modules faster based on what you've already imported in your project.


⏩ Practise typing in Neovim ⏩


Obsidian-like NeoVim plugin.

Simple NeoVim plugin with Obsidian-like-notes support. Why use it instead of Obsidian:

  • Take notes inside Neovim during coding sessions.
  • Lua as extension
  • Existing Neovim infrastructure.



Neovim plugin that works like electric-quotes emacs mode

See emacs/Quotation-Marks.html for more information on electric quotes from Emacs!


Neovim plugin for interacting with LLM's and building editor integrated prompts.

Use LLM's in Neovim. Build editor integrated prompts and customize your LLM workflow. The plugin comes with some starter prompts, but you can also create your own prompt library to suit your needs.


Reminders to keep hydrated while you code


🚀 Activate is a plugin installation system for Neovim

  • Curated Plugin List: Generated from the list of plugins at rockerBOO/awesome-neovim.
  • Intuitive Interface: Allows users to easily browse, search, install, and uninstall Neovim plugins through the telescope interface.
  • Automatic Configuration: If a plugin adheres to the unofficial configuration standard, activate.nvim can automatically generate a default setup. This aims to reduce the initial setup time for new plugins.
  • Automatic Plugin List Updates: A github action periodically checks to see if there are any updates in the awesome-neovim repository and updates this plugins data.json file which is then sync'd down to Neovim by lazy.nvim, just like any other plugin.



Command line tool for Neovim multi-config management

dotfyle-cli let's you download neovim configs from a dotfyle (or github) url, and then select which one you want to load using fzf

As well as selecting configs dotfyle-cli will also help with updating and removing. Removing also removes any related files (such as .local/share), or you can purge all of them in one go

Updated plugins

mini.nvim 0.10 release

Library of 30+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.7 and higher) experience with minimal effort

Three new modules came out of beta-testing:

  • mini.files - Navigate and manipulate file system. A file explorer with column view capable of manipulating file system by editing text. Can create/delete/rename/copy/move files/directories inside and across directories.

  • mini.clue - Show next key clues. Think about it as somewhat of a cross between 'which-key' and 'hydra'. Implements custom key query process with customizable opt-in triggers, next key descriptions (clues), hydra-like submodes, window delay/config. Provides clue sets for some built-in concepts: g/z keys, window commands, etc.

  • mini.operators - Various text edit operators: replace, exchange, multiply, sort, evaluate. Creates mappings to operate on textobject, line, and visual selection. Supports count and dot-repeat.

  • GitHub

  • Dotfyle

  • Reddit

ultimate-autopair.nvim official release

A neovim autopair plugin designed to have all the features that an autopair plugin needs.

Ultimate-autopair plugin aims to always work as you expect, while making it relatively easy to configure. It has many features which other auto-pairing plugins lack: like multiline support, string/escape filtering and more. It is fully tested and has good docs.

lsp-zero v3.x is now available

A starting point to setup some lsp related features in neovim.

Version 3 of lsp-zero is now available. The default branch on GitHub is v2.x.


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  • File issues and submit pull requests on GitHub
  • Discuss ideas on Discord